Friday Khutba of Tokyo Camii “Justıce: Gıvıng Every Rıght Holder Theır Due Share”

Honorable Muslims!
One of the beautiful names of our Almighty Lord (SWT) is اَلْعَدْلُ’. Allah is the owner of absolute justice. He (SWT) is the ultimate source of justice. He (SWT) is the One, Who treats all beings in a just an equitable manner.
Justice is the most fundamental value that keeps the society standing. It is the voice of conscience, the assurance of peace, and the foundation of trust. Justice is giving what is rightfully due to every rightful person. It is to stand up for what is right, even if it is against us. It is to always stand by the side of the right.

Dear Muslims!
Only when justice dominates all aspects of life does it find its true meaning. Believers must, first of all, observe justice towards their families. Believers should also be fair to those who are under their responsibility. The believer should not stop observing justice in their business. Believers should also observe justice in their social relations.

Dear Believers!
Today, the oppressors who massacre innocent people, men, women, children and the elderly, are claiming to be the representatives of justice on earth. As we have seen in the most recent example in Palestine and Gaza, they are making cities, towns and countries uninhabitable with the discourse of ‘We will bring justice to the world’. For the sake of their own interests, they are violating all kinds of human and moral values. With the indescribable atrocities they commit and the great sedition and corruption they cause, they are the cause of much pain and tears. Our Almighty Lord (SWT) describes these oppressors who disturb the order of the earth as follows: “When they are told, ‘Do not spread corruption in the land,’ they reply, ‘We are only peace-makers!’ Indeed, it is they who are the corruptors, but they fail to perceive it.”1

Dear Believers!
The following truth should not be forgotten that today, as in the past, it is the believers who are devoted to Islam who will establish justice on earth. Provided that we strive to live up to our responsibilities to ensure that the lost justice is once again restored in our world. Provided that we observe rights in every aspect of our lives. Provided that we never hold back from speaking the truth. Provided that we stand against the oppressor and by the side of the oppressed, no matter from whom the oppression comes, or against whom it is directed. Provided that we keep our hopes alive for the future, and never lose our faith that divine justice will surely be manifested.

[1] Baqarah, 2/11-12.

Friday Khutba of Tokyo Camii “Justıce: Gıvıng Every Rıght Holder Theır Due Share”

The Importance of Good Character
إِنَّ مِنْ أَحَبِّكُمْ إِلَيَّ وَأَقْرَبِكُمْ مِنِّي مَجْلِسًا يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ أَحَاسِنَكُمْ أَخْلَاقًا
The most beloved of Allah's servants to Allah are those with the best manners.
Allah'ın kulları arasında en çok sevdiği kimseler, en güzel ahlâka sahip olanlardır.
Sahih Bukhari (Hadith 3559)
Justice and Fairness
إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَأْمُرُكُمْ أَنْ تُؤَدُّوا الْأَمَانَاتِ إِلَىٰ أَهْلِهَا وَإِذَا حَكَمْتُمْ بَيْنَ النَّاسِ أَنْ تَحْكُمُوا بِالْعَدْلِ
Indeed, Allah commands you to render trusts to whom they are due and when you judge between people to judge with justice.
Hiç şüphesiz Allah size, emanetleri ehline teslim etmenizi ve insanlar arasında hükmettiğiniz zaman adaletle hükmetmenizi emreder.
Surah An-Nisa (4:58)
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