“We are together with our brothers and sisters from Palestine against the occupation of Israel”

Stating that they were together with the people of Palestine against the policies of occupation that had been executed by Israel, the President of Religious Affairs Erbaş said “It is the responsibility of all of the Muslims and the humanity, not just of our brothers from Palestine, to protect Jerusalem and the lands of independent Palestine against such a mindset of an oppressor.

The President of Religious Affairs Prof. Dr. Ali Erbaş reacted against the policies of occupation that had been executed by Israel in Palestine.

In the statement that he delivered through his social media accounts, the President of Religious Affairs Erbaş underlined that such a systematic occupation that Israel had been executing against the Palestinian families was in fact unacceptable.

Stating that they were together with the Palestinian families against Israel who settled the oppressor families in the houses of Palestinian families whose houses Israel had occupied, President Erbaş continued his message as follows:

“Such a systematic policy of oppression that the invader Israel has been executing in Jerusalem and different regions to evict the Palestinian families from their own houses is in fact unacceptable.

We are together with our brothers and sisters from Palestine against the cruelty with lack of ethics and law of Israel who has occupied the houses of Palestinian families by raiding them together with their soldiers, police forces, and radical organizations and settled the oppressor families to those places.

It is the responsibility of all of the Muslims and the humanity, not just of our brothers from Palestine, to protect Jerusalem and the lands of independent Palestine against such a mindset of an oppressor. Here I invite the international society to give a more powerful reaction against such cruelty.

Jerusalem is the apple of the Muslims’ eye, the honor of the humanity and the capital of Palestine forever.”

“İsrail’in işgallerine karşı Filistinli kardeşlerimizin yanındayız” (Türkçe)
“We are together with our brothers and sisters from Palestine against the occupation of Israel” (English)

The Importance of Good Character
إِنَّ مِنْ أَحَبِّكُمْ إِلَيَّ وَأَقْرَبِكُمْ مِنِّي مَجْلِسًا يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ أَحَاسِنَكُمْ أَخْلَاقًا
The most beloved of Allah's servants to Allah are those with the best manners.
Allah'ın kulları arasında en çok sevdiği kimseler, en güzel ahlâka sahip olanlardır.
Sahih Bukhari (Hadith 3559)
Justice and Fairness
إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَأْمُرُكُمْ أَنْ تُؤَدُّوا الْأَمَانَاتِ إِلَىٰ أَهْلِهَا وَإِذَا حَكَمْتُمْ بَيْنَ النَّاسِ أَنْ تَحْكُمُوا بِالْعَدْلِ
Indeed, Allah commands you to render trusts to whom they are due and when you judge between people to judge with justice.
Hiç şüphesiz Allah size, emanetleri ehline teslim etmenizi ve insanlar arasında hükmettiğiniz zaman adaletle hükmetmenizi emreder.
Surah An-Nisa (4:58)
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